Saturday, June 16, 2007

Where are we

I love the smell of summer, more specifically the sensation of feeling a hot June day because as a child that same smell meant freedom from the sweat of school. Cheers to days where there were no commitments; summer break. Well this summer break has not hit me yet. I'm going to Kenya. Soon, very soon these word will have meaning but until then I will elaborate of structure of my adventure which I can assure you will be a far cry from the actual experience.

What will I be doing? Where will I be staying?

I received an internship at an orphanage/ school in Nakuru, Kenya. My specific task is currently unknown but I will report it soon. Throughout the duration of my stay, i will be housed by missionaries Dave and Kimberly Shields. This alone causes reason for excitement because I have a first hand account of life in the missionary field. Also, the last two weeks are spent in the bush.

What do I know about the orphanage now?

The orphanage houses around 150 boys and about 30 girls. The student attend classes three months on and then one month off. During this month, the children are allowed to go back into their family environment (provided it is safe). The goal is to integrate them back into their environment without leaving them a mess.

When will be leaving?

June 18th i begin traveling to Kenya.

When do I return?

Lord willingly I will arrive back in San Jose on August 12th.

To conclude, I would urge you to pray for me. This experience will only be what it is because of God. Thanks to all those who supported me financially. I appreciate you more than words can say and i will do my best to update this blog weekly.

1 comment:

Bill Robertson said...

July 2nd

Hi Daniel:
As I pray daily for you I think of you sitting on the equator there at about 135 in the shade. Keep your cool -- if that is at all possible. I know that The God Almighty is with you and will keep you. I just read the day describing bringing the bread into that place. Poor kids!! What a contrast to the K-5 ones I engage on Sunday morning at Chimes. They are all scrubbed, fed, protected, and loved. What sadness. I have a niece (third year at Azuza-Pacific), just returned from a month or so service with Mother Terresa's work in Calcutta, India. AM's with orphans, PM's helping women die in the infirmary. Almost did her in, but she came back stronger than she went. I look forward to seeing her at a wedding of a nephew in a couple of weeks.
Well Daniel, I'll be intouch. Hang in there. The Lord Bless you and keep you.

Bill R.

P.S. Hope I am doing this O.K. This blogging is a new thing with me.